St Johns Univ Performance 2008

Rehearsal 2008


Beginner Age 6-8

In this class, children will learn the ABCs of dance. They will be taught proper posture and turning out of the feet, and will have fun dancing free-style to lively Irish music.

Advanced Beginner Age 7-12

This class is geared for children who have had at least one year of dance class experience. It is also a good starting place for a child over 7.  They will progress with soft shoe jig and reel steps while learning musicality, timing, and technique.

Intermediate/Advanced Soft Shoe Age 10-Adult

This class is for students who have reached a level of proficiency in Irish step dance. Generally for students with at least two years of experience, this class will introduce more advanced solo jigs, reels, slip jigs, and ceili (team) dancing. Dancers in this class will also concentrate on perfecting technique and developing dance style.  

Intermediate/Advanced Hard Shoe Age 10-Adult

This class is open to all students taking Intermediate/ Advanced Soft Shoe. Dancers will learn to "make thunder" in Irish dance hard shoes. They will be taught jigs, reels, hornpipes, and traditional set dances suitable for performances and competitions.

Adult Beginner

This class is ideal for anyone who has never taken a dance class, or hasn't taken classes since childhood. It will cover all the basics of soft shoe reels and jigs at an easy pace with energizing Irish music. An excellent way to get exercise, build confidence, and gain proficiency in traditional step dancing. You will have a great time in a relaxed, no pressure atmosphere. Give it a try!